Tuesday, June 20, 2017

CS Adv Day 2 Week 1

1. Today we built boebots!! They're little (adorable) robots that you code using arduino.
2. The learning requirements were learning how to build and tune the boebot successfully.  (We were semi-successful).
3. The computer science concepts used for this were loops and variables.
4. The computational thinking concepts used were abstraction, loops, variables, and correctness.

Today was a lot of fun.  We learned about encryption, except I already learned about it in our CS class and the videos and example were the same, so it was a little redundant.  Then we built boebots!  They're really cute and are kind of like EV3s but instead of using LEGO they use Arduino.  We built ours and I'm honestly very surprised we managed it because we failed miserably the whole time and weren't paying attention.

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