Thursday, June 29, 2017

CS Adv Day 4 Week 2

Today I came in early to work of my Unity game.  The good news is I got a lot done, but the bad news is I had to scrap it all because it wasn't working.  Thankfully Jordan helped me out and now I think I know what I'm doing -- mostly.  Tomorrow morning I plan to go in early and finish up my adjustments to the UFO game.  I also worked on my raspberry pi today.  I added some stuff to my rock, paper, scissors game like an overall win counter and different messages and emojis displayed on the sense hat LEDs.  I also had issues making that work, but like half the staff helped me out until it worked.  It was a bit of a frustrating day, but it ended up being okay.  It also helped that the girls won the activity (of course) and got m&ms.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

CS Adv Day 3 Week 2

Today we didn't have an ice breaker which was a little disappointing, but nice because we had more time to work.  We finished our 2D UFO game in Unity and built it. I want to come early for free build and make like an invisible maze the UFO has to go through to get to all the pickups.  We also learned how to do more things with the sense hat on the raspberry pi as far as LEDs go.  It was really fun, especially making the rainbow, but it was sad that it was too bright to take a picture of.  I'll probably do something with the raspberry pi during free build too if I have time.  I really like raspberry pis. Adios!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

CS Adv Day 2 Week 2

Today was so much fun. Lunch was great and I was so proud of myself during our activity because I actually caught the styrofoam ball Elijah threw at me (and the rest of them too).  Unity treated me well and I continued programming the game.  I had a lot of fun programming the rock, paper, scissors game and connecting it to the sense hat.

1. Today I built a rock paper scissors game with the raspberry pi. The player enters their choice and the computer randomly picks a choice. If you win the LEDs on the sense hat will show a smiley face and if you lose they will show a sad face. Then you can choose to play again or stop.
2. The important learning targets were creating choices, letting the player choose, letting the computer randomly choose, seeing who won, and printing the appropriate response.

Monday, June 26, 2017

CS Adv Day 1 Week 2

Today I created a player that moves in a 2D game using Unity thanks to Jordan. I also created a few programs with the Raspberry Pi. My favorite one with my raspberry Pi was the one that flashed Meow! in LEDs. Today I learned how to make a character move in Unity in a 2D game. I also learned how to make things flash across the LEDs on a Raspberry Pi and how to run programs in it.

Friday, June 23, 2017

CS Adv Day 5 Week 1

Today we learned about data compression and did a fun activity where using grids we had to tell the other person what to draw and then try to compress that with an algorithm.  We also played my favorite activity, rock paper scissors splits, which was a lot of fun even though I lost in the first round (again).  I was really excited for free build with our boebots. We programmed it to play the chorus to Somewhere Over the Rainbow and we tried to program it with the whisker roaming code, but that didn't work.  It only went forward which was disappointing because I really like the whiskers. Still, today was pretty fun!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

CS Adv Day 4 Week 1

Today on our Boebot we coded our whiskers, put on and coded a light sensor, and put on and tested IR sensors.  We also learned binary (for like, my 5th time) and for our activity played the human knot.  I had a lot of fun putting the sensors on.  The whiskers were really cute and fun to mess with.  The light sensor was also cool and fun.  We really didn't do much with the IR sensor so it wasn't that cool, but hopefully we'll learn how to do more with it tomorrow.  The boebots are really cute and I'm looking forward to free build tomorrow. :D

Portfolio Day 4 Week 3

Today I had a lot of fun doing the morning activity because it brought back memories of school.  I worked on my interactive story and I'm close to finishing.  I'll do my best to finish it and my portfolio tonight so I just have to add finishing touches tomorrow.
For my python password generator(new project):
7.  If I could do this over again I would make the passwords easier to remember while still being strong.  I would also try to add something else to it, to make it more helpful.
8. It does reflect the effort I put into it because I worked hard on it for the two days that I worked on it and it works really well.  However, its not too complicated showing how I didn't need to put more time and effort into it.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

CS Adv Day 3 Week 1

Today we put LEDs, a speaker, and whiskers on our boebots!!  We made our speaker play part of Somewhere Over the Rainbow.  We also made our boebot move (just not the way we wanted).  Tomorrow we'll make more additions to our boebots.  We'll, hopefully, make our whiskers work and add other sensors to our boebot.
1. Today I made a boebot (a robot) with whiskers, LEDs, and a speaker and was programmed in C (using Arduino).
2. The requirements for this project were putting all the sensors and things on and being able to program them.
3. The computer science concepts used were variables, loops, functions, and methods.
4. The computational thinking principles used were abstraction, algorithms, varibales, and iteration.

Portfolio Day 3 Week 3

I don't know what kind of maker I want to be.  I just want to make something helpful.
Today I got a lot done on my old project.  My new project is completed and works great!  I'm still finishing up the one from the first week, but its going well and it actually works this time so I'm very happy.  I can't believe there are only two days left.  Its going to be interesting.
For my new project:
5. This project relates to the real world because it generates passwords and we use passwords to secure all sorts of important, and unimportant things.  It is really important to have good passwords and this program will help you come up with good passwords even if you don't necessarily use the whole thing that's generated.  I learned how to come up with creative passwords which will help me outside of the classroom when making accounts.  I also learned how to use the random function in python!!
6. In this project I particularly want others to notice the use of the random function to randomly pick letters, numbers, and symbols for the passwords. I just learned how to use it and I'm very proud.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

CS Adv Day 2 Week 1

1. Today we built boebots!! They're little (adorable) robots that you code using arduino.
2. The learning requirements were learning how to build and tune the boebot successfully.  (We were semi-successful).
3. The computer science concepts used for this were loops and variables.
4. The computational thinking concepts used were abstraction, loops, variables, and correctness.

Today was a lot of fun.  We learned about encryption, except I already learned about it in our CS class and the videos and example were the same, so it was a little redundant.  Then we built boebots!  They're really cute and are kind of like EV3s but instead of using LEGO they use Arduino.  We built ours and I'm honestly very surprised we managed it because we failed miserably the whole time and weren't paying attention.

Portfolio Day 2 Week 3

3. The computer science concepts used for this project were variables, loops, conditional statements, lists, and more.
4. The computational thinking concepts used in this project were abstraction, algorithms, variables, iteration, and correctness.

Monday, June 19, 2017

CS Adv Day 1 Week 1

Today I took my pre survey and didn't have to make a name tag or a blog because I already have those.  Then we did our name activity and learned the CS principles again.  We also played jeopardy which we were really bad at and played a wikipedia game that I was also bad at, but was really fun.  Why Is There A Page On Spoons?!?!?!

Portfolio Day 1 Week 3

1. I designed a password generator in Python.  It randomly generates a password and its length and complexity varies depending on how strong you say you want it to be.
2. The requirements for this project are user input to see how strong they want their password, a list of part (or all) of the password, and a randomly picked password from the list (or randomly picked symbols, numbers, and/or letters).

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Portfolio Day 4 Week 2

5. This project relates to the real world because all the research is real and the questions and answers could teach you something that could help in real life.  I learned about how to survive in 5 different biomes which could help if I ever get lost or go hiking.
6.  In this project I particularly want others to notice how much better it is than the one we did in 7th grade and the background pictures.
7. If I could do this over again I would improve everything I could, especially the programming.
8. This artifact does reflect the effort put into it mostly because it is better than our previous version and is good showing we worked very hard on it.  However, because of a few bumps it doesn't quite show all the work we put into it.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Portfolio Day 3 Week 2

The computer science concepts used for this project were variables for the point counter and conditional statements for the screens and buttons.
The computational thinking principles used for this project were abstraction, algorithms, variables, and correctness.

Portfolio Day 2 Week 2

The learning targets are researching the biomes, laying out the screens, and programming it.  This requires a lot of research, hard work, and time.

Portfolio Day 4 Week 1

1. My project is an interactive story game written in java where the character is sucked into another world and the player has to read the story and make decisions for the character that will change the story and outcome.
2. The learning targets/requirements were a base story line, choices for the player to make, and outcomes.
3. The computer science concepts I used for this project were variables, conditional statements, and methods.
4. The computational thinking principles used in this project were abstraction, algorithms, and variables.
5. It relates to the "real" world in that     .  I used Google and computational thinking both of which will help me inside and outside of the classroom.  I also learned
6.  In this project I particularly wanted others to notice the effort put into it and the programming required for it to work.
7.  If I could do this over again I would improve the story line, make it longer with more choices, and make it work better.
8. This project does reflect the effort I put into it because it shows how I worked hard on it during the week, but it also could be better showing I only worked on it for about a week.

Portfolio Day 5 Week 1

If I could do this project over again I would make the story longer and better and I would put more decisions in it.  I would also just try to make it better in general.  It does reflect the effort I put into it because it is something and shows that I did work on it, but it could be better and shows I didn't work on it for very long.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Portfolio Day 1 Week 2

We are designing an app in MIT App Inventor .  It will be a survival game/quiz where the player picks their biome and answers questions on how to survive while on a timer.  The answers will be worth different numbers of points that in the end will determine whether or not the player would survive and how well.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Portfolio Day 3 Week 1

I will be presenting my interactive story being played on the showcase.  There is a story where the player is the character and they make decisions that affect the ending of their story.  It relates to the real world because people make decisions in this that affect the outcome and people in real life have to live with the decisions they make and what happens as a result of them.  My favorite projects were the survival app I built with Abbi in MIT App Inventor, my Lilypad Arduino last year, and a Fibonacci number calculator in Python.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Portfolio Day 2 Week 1

I am making an interactive story game in Java.  The player will read the story and make decisions in it that will affect the outcome.  My learning target is to become better at using java and learn more about what I can do with it.  The requirements needed to complete it are a base story line, decisions for the player to make, and a well written code.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Portfolio Day 1 Week 1

I have an idea for each week I'll be here.  For this week I plan to code a story generator in either Python or Java.  Next week I plan to partner with Abbi and create a survival game app.  The third week I plan to make a drawing EV3 robot that will hopefully draw the YWiC logo.  Today I created a mind map for each of these projects and got to know everyone's names.  Hopefully these projects will teach me new things that I can use in the future.